Born in Nara, 1981. Apprenticed as a sukiya carpenter at the master craftsman Sotoji Nakamura construction company in Kyoto. In 2016, he traveled to 16 countries around the world as a cultural ambassador for the Agency for Cultural Affairs, where he undertook a number of projects that interacted with the cultures of each region. He is active in a wide range of fields, from architecture to art, utilizing the skills and sensibility he has acquired through his unique experience.

Major exhibitions include MOT satellite / Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (2017), Design Miami / Basel (2017), Undefined Object / Salvatore Ferragamo (2019), Sence Island (2019), Mind Trail (2020), What do you see there /Nadoya Ebisu (2021).

Major awards include EDIDA 2014 ELLE DECO Young Japanese Design Talent (2014), FRAME AWARD 2022 Emerging Designer of the Year (2022)